Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet - Nope, I don't teach latin.
Arch Linux, Debian, nginx, Node.js, Angular(js), Angular Material, HTML5, Javascript (es2021), Typescript, CSS3 (SCSS, SASS), Firebase, Vercel, Hostman, Digitalocean, Ionic, PWAs, Vue.js, Vuetify.js, Quasar, Webworkers, Comlink, Nest JS, Highcharts, GoJS, Google Charts, SockJS, Parcel, Webpack, PDF.js, Java, Spring Framework, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Logrocket, Logtail, Docker, Docker-Compose, Gitlab (CI), Github, Bitbucket, RabbitMQ
I am really good at googling stuff.
Basically the whole ecosystem
And again, the whole ecosystem
Everything that somehow relates to a more efficient power usage
Researching, consulting and using IT in less digitalized markets
No silver bullet - but nice use cases!
Because it's Germany..
- Software Developer at ONE LOGIC
- Co-Found at Campuskraft
- Freelance Software Engineer